One-To-One Coaching

We offer one-to-one online coaching for runners of any ability. We will work together with you to design a bespoke training program specific to your lifestyle, running experience and goals. But the program is just the tip of the iceberg; you can contact us at anytime via email, WhatsApp or video calls and we will be here whenever you need us, to answer questions, support and encourage you, analyse your training and make sure you are always moving in the right direction. We will be on the journey to better running with you, helping you and guiding you along the way.

As well as writing your program and keeping you motivated, as your coach we will be on hand to offer advice on all aspects of training, including:

  • Strength Training & Conditioning
  • Diet, Hydration & Nutrition
  • Injury Prevention & Prehab/Rehab
  • Race Preparation & Race Day Strategy
  • Training the Mind
  • Periodisation of Training
  • Anything you want to ask!


We work with you to build a plan to achieve your goals. The training program is just the tip of the iceberg; beneath the program is a strategy.


Real time, one-to-one support from a professional running coach. We are here to answer questions, motivate and encourage.


We know that success doesn’t always mean winning races. What ever success means to you – we can help you get there.

How it Works

  • The first step is getting to know you. The only way to write a personalised training plan is to really understand the athlete we are working with. So we will ask you some questions to help us get a good understanding of how you work; your goals, current training/racing ability, the facilities you have available and a bit about your lifestyle and how you like to fit in your training around your other commitments.
  • Once we feel like we have a good grasp of your training needs we will write you a detailed program that is personalised to you and your goals. With most online coaches, that’s where it ends…
  • We provide you with our personal contact details, including WhatsApp number and email address, so that you can contact your coach at any time via message or call to ask any questions about your training. We are here for you whenever you need us, to offer support, motivation and knowledge, not just a program.
  • A training plan must be fluid and dynamic, it must adapt to you and change as you change. We always keep your training programs to 2-4 weeks in length only, this means we can easily adapt and change the program while we are in the process of learning more about you as an athlete. At the end of each program we will always take the time to review your training closely before continuing with the next phase, ensuring consistent, sustained improvement.
  • Finally, we know that contacting us after your training sessions isn’t always something you will remember to do, that’s why as part of our role as your coach we will contact you. We believe that the coach – athlete partnership can only work if we know what you are doing, we want to know how you are doing. We want to hear about your workouts and get to know you, that way we can help you become the best runner you can be.


For our full and comprehensive coaching service, including everything described above, we charge a monthly fee of 145 GBP / 165 Euros. We accept a number of payment methods and are flexible with payment dates.

Let’s Start Making Progress