Marathon Race Day – Tips from a Professional

Marathon race day is fast approaching, you have done the hard training, you have read our Marathon Race Week Tips, you’re prepared, focused and ready to give it your all. Now attention turns to race day itself, what can you do to ensure you have the best race possible? Ex-professional marathon runner and now professional marathon coach, Hugo van den Broek, calls upon his years of experience as an elite runner and decades of coaching experience, to share his top pieces of race day advice for making sure you maximise your marathon performance.

Marathon Race Week – Tips From a Professional

Coach Hugo van den Broek, ex-professional marathon runner and now world class marathon coach, presents his key pieces of race week advice to help runners of all levels maximise their race day performance.

Achieving Consistency in Training

Runners of all levels are constantly told that ‘consistency is key’. As a coach and athlete I am not adverse to this phrase, in fact, it is something I frequently remind myself of, both when it comes to my own training and the training of the athletes I am coaching. However, there seems to beContinue reading “Achieving Consistency in Training”

Lactate Threshold Training for 5km Races

In this blog coach Hugo discusses the importance of the lactic threshold system and how this type of training can lead to improvements in almost all distances.

Recovery Running: What’s the Point?

This blog discusses the reasons why recovery running is an important part of any athlete’s training program and reflects on insights that the author noticed during a training camp in Iten, Kenya.